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Forum: “Alternative Development in the Andean Countries”

Report made by senator Rafael Orduz’s legislative working group

The event, carried out on May 24 and 25, 2001 in the Colombian Senate upon the initiative of Senators Rafael Orduz and Juan Manuel Ospina with the cooperation of the UNDP and the Hanns Seidel Foundation and the following participants: Simonnetta Gras (UNDCP, Colombia and Ecuador Office), Carlos Gustavo Cano (IICA, Perú Office), Alejandro Reyes (IEPRI, National University of Colombia)), Darío Fajardo (IDEA, National University of Colombia), Waldo Tellería (Viceminister of Alternative Development, Bolivia), Oswaldo Antezana (AID, Bolivia), Hugo Cabieses (CEPES, Perú), Wenceslao Villa (Programs Sub-director, PLANTE), Yamile Salinas (Delegate Ombusdsman for the Environment and Collective Rights), Parmenio Cuellar (Governor of Nariño) and Cliff Brown (AID, Colombia).

The European Union accepts the co-responsibility principle in addressing drug control. From this standpoint and wondering how to make this principle a fact, Germany supports alternative development programs through international cooperation. To this end, the Colombian Embassy in Germany and the Hanns Seidel Foundation have joined efforts to carry out a profound analysis of diverse alternative development experiences in the Andean countries. This support is extremely important for Colombia which is in the middle of a peace process that must necessarily take this debate into consideration.

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