Ex-Deputy Director and founding member of National Addiction Research Centre, Mumbai, India. At present a free lance consultant with international and national Agencies.


Area of Work: Have been working on diverse aspects of Drug Abuse Management, it includes Research, Treatment and Policy analysis with specific focus on need for decriminalisation and looking at socio-cultural forms of control with emphasis on harm minimisation as against criminalization of drug use. Other professional areas of work include HIV/AIDS management and Monitoring and Evaluation.


Paoli L., Victoria A. Greenfield., Molly Charles., Peter Reuter. Should Afghanistan Enter the Licit Opium Business? Lessons from India’s Experience. Addiction, 2009:104:347-354

Charles. Molly and Letizia. India: The Third Largest Illicit Opium Producer? In Paoli L., Greenfield V., Reuter P. The World Heroin Market: Can Supply Be Cut? New: Oxford University Press; 2009 

Charles Molly. 2006. Cannabis and Culture- Impact of Drug Policy and Drug Trade, PhD Dissertation, Pune: University of Pune. http://www.mamacoca_ 0rg/El_Papel_de_la_coca_june_2008/jan2009/Molly_Charles_cannabis_and_culture.htm


Role of Culture in Drug Use Management with Specific Reference to India, published in “Monografías HUMANITAS, issue Jan 2005.


Charles M. Drug Trade Dynamics in India. Report submitted for the project ‘Modeling the World Heroin Market: Assessing the Consequences of Changes in Afghanistan Production’; 2004. Mimeo. Available at: http://laniel.free.fr/



Charles M., Nair K. S., Das A. A., Britto G. Bombay underworld: a descriptive account and its role in the drug trade.In: Geffray C., Fabre F., Schiray M., editors. Globalisation,

Drugs and Criminalisation: Final Research Report on Brazil, China, India and Mexico. Paris: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); 2002, p.7–50.


The Growth and activities of Organised Crime in Bombay, International Social Science Journal 2001; No.169, p. 359-367.


Drug Trade in Himachal Pradesh, Role of Socio-economic Changes, in Economic and Political Weekly, Volume XXXVI No, 26, June 30, 2001.


Drug Scene in India in Seminar, 504- Aug, 2001; August: 17–22.


Charles M., Nair K. S., Britto G. Drug Culture in India. A Street Ethnographic Study of Heroin Addiction in Bombay. New Delhi: Rawat; 1999.


Charles, Molly and Gabriel Britto. The Socio-cultural context of drug use and Implication for drug policy, International Social Science Journal 2001; No.169: 467-474.


Please do note that the paper for CAF is being published at of 20th January 2010.  There are two publications coming out: 

The publications are:


·  “La guerra contra las drogas en el mundo andino: hacia un cambio de paradigma” 


·  Drogas y prohibición. Una vieja guerra, un nuevo debate”