María Clemencia Ramírez

Research Associate

Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e  Historia






Forthcoming from Duke University Press:  Between the Guerrillas and the State: The Cocalero Movement, Citizenship and Identity in the Colombian Amazon. Updated and revised version of  Ph. D. dissertation.


Entre la Guerrilla y el Estado: Identidad y Ciudadanía en el Movimiento Cocalero del Putumayo.  Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia -Colciencias, Bogotá,  2001. Spanish version of Dissertation “Between the Guerrilla and the State: The Cocalero Movement, Citizenship and Identity in the Colombian Amazon”.




“Construction and Contestation of Criminal Identities: the Case of the Cocaleros in the Colombian Western Amazon.”  Journal of Drug Issues. Vol. 35 Number 1:57-82 Winter 2005.


“Aerial Spraying and Alternative Development in Plan Colombia. Two sides of the same coin or two contested policies?”. In: U.S. Foreign Policy. ReVista. Harvard Review of Latin America: 52-55, Spring/Summer 2005, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University. Cambridge.


“The  Cocalero Social Movement of the Amazon Region of Colombia: The Quest for Citizenship Rights” In:  Colombia, Beyond Armed Actors: A Look at Civil Society. ReVista. Harvard Review of Latin America: 61-63, Spring 2003, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University. Cambridge.


“Balance sobre el Componente Social del Plan Colombia.” [An Assessment of the Social Component of Plan Colombia] In: Del Plan Colombia a la Iniciativa Regional Andina, Documentos No. 11: 1-8, 2002, Bogotá.



Book Chapters:


Forthcoming. Negotiating Peace and Visibility: Civil Society, Armed Conflict, and the War on Drugs in the Department of Putumayo. In: Colombia: Building Peace in a Time of War. Edited by Virginia M. Bouvier, (United States Institute of Peace).


Forthcoming. Alternative Development in Putumayo (Colombia): bringing back the State through the creation of community and “productive social capital? In: Editing Eden:  A Reconsideration of Identity, Politics, and Place in Amazonia, Edited by Frank Hutchins (Spalding University) and Patrick C. Wilson (University of Lethbridge). University of Nebraska Press.


Forthcoming. Maintaining Democracy in Colombia through Political Exclusion, States of Exception, Counterinsurgency and Dirty War. In: Violent Democracies of Latin America: Toward an Interdisciplinary Reconceptualization, Edited by Enrique Desmond Arias (Political Science, John Jay College of Criminal Justice) and Daniel M. Goldstein (Anthropology, Rutgers University). Book Sent for Review to Duke University Press


Forthcoming. La Amazonía Occidental y las Paradojas del Desarrollo Alternativo en Colombia. [The Western Amazonia and the Paradoxes of Alternative Development in Colombia]. In: Perspectivas Antropológicas Actuales sobre la Amazonía. Edited by Margarita Chaves (Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia) and Carlos Luis del Cairo Silva (Universidad Javeriana). Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos-IFEA and Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia.


“Significado de las acciones de la  AID en el Putumayo en el contexto de la promoción de la Seguridad Global y del Buen Gobierno (Good Governance) In: Globalización, Cultura y Poder en Colombia: una  mirada interdisciplinaria. [Globalization, Culture, and Power in Colombia: an interdisciplinary view] Fernán González and Gloria Isabel Ocampo (eds.). Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia- Colciencias,  2006 pp.: 291-307


Colombia: A Vicious Circle of Drugs and War.” In: Drugs and Democracy in Latin America. Editors: Coletta A. Youngers and Eileen Rosin. Washington Office on Latin America  (WOLA):, Lynne Reiner Publishers, November 2004, pp. 99-142. Co-author. Published in Spanish by Editorial Biblos in 2005.


“The Politics of Recognition and Citizenship in Putumayo and in the Baja Bota of Cauca: The Case of the 1996 Cocalero Movement” In: Democratizing Democracy . Beyond the Liberal Democratic Canon. Boaventura de Sousa Santos (ed.) Verso,  New York, 2005. pp.220-256  (This book has been translated and published in Brazil by  Editora Record, Río de Janeiro 2002, in Italy by  Editora Record Città Aperta Edizioni, Troina, Trento, 2002, in Portugal by Ediciones Afrontamento, Porto, 2003 and in Colombia by Editorial Norma, Bogotá. 2004).


“Estrategias de Resistencia y Organización Campesina en un Contexto de Conflicto e Ilegalidad: Construcción de Ciudadanía en el Marco de las Políticas Antidrogas y de Desarrollo Alternativo en el Putumayo.” [Strategies of Peasant Resistance and Organization in a Context of Conflict and Illegality: the construction of citizenship amid anti-drug policies and alternative development in Putumayo, Colombia] In: Colombia a Comienzos del Nuevo Milenio. Memorias del VIII Coloquio de Sociología, Universidad del Valle, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas, 2004, pp. 187-208.


“Los Movimientos Cívicos como Movimientos Sociales en el Putumayo: El Poder Visible de la Sociedad Civil y la Construcción de una Nueva Ciudadanía.” [Civic Movements as Social Movements in Putumayo: the visible power of civil society and the construction of a new citizenship]   In: Movimientos Sociales, Cultura y Estado en Colombia. Mauricio Pardo y Mauricio Archila (eds.).Universidad Nacional-CES-Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia,  Santafé de Bogotá, 2001, pp. 127-149.


"Las Marchas de los Cocaleros en el Amazonas. Reflexiones Teóricas sobre Marginalidad, Construcción de Identidades y Movimientos Sociales." [The Cocalero Marches in the Amazon: theoretical reflections on marginality, the construction of identities, and social movements] In: Modernidad, Identidad y Desarrollo. María Lucía Sotomayor  (Organizer) Instituto Colombiano de Antropología-Colciencias, Santafé de Bogotá, 1998, pp. 257-272.