Books and monographs published:

Bruce Bagley, ed, El futuro del café en Colombia: Ensayos sobre economía política colombiana  en el siglo XXI. Bogota: Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia y Editorial Planeta, 2007, 346 p. (An English   version of this volume is forthcoming, University Press of  Florida, 2008). 

Drug Trafficking Research in the Americas, Editor, (Miami: North-South Center in Association with Lynn Rienner), 1997. 

Drug Trafficking in the Americas, Co-edited with William O. Walker, III (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1994). 

In Search of Security, Co-edited with Sergio Aguayo (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1993). 

Drug Trafficking Research Update, Guest Co-editor with William O. Walker III, Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 34, No. 3, Fall 1992, Special Issue. 

Myths of Militarization: The Role of the Military in the War on Drugs in the Americas (Coral Gables: North-South Center, October, 1991). 

La Economía Política del Narcotráfico en Ecuador, with Adrián Bonilla and Alexei Páez, eds. (Quito: FLACSO, 1991). 

En Busca de la Seguridad Perdida: Ensayos sobre la Seguridad Nacional Mexicana, with Sergio Aguayo Quezada, eds. (México, DF: Siglo XXI Editores, 1990). 

Economía y Política del Narcotráfico, with Juan Gabriel Tokatlián, eds. (Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes, 1990). 

Assessing the Americas’ War on Drugs, Guest Editor Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 30, Nos. 2 and 3, Summer/Fall 1988.  

The State and the Peasantry in Colombia (Meadville, PA: Allegheny College, Latin American Issues Monograph Series, No. 6, 1988). 

Contadora: The Limits of Negotiation, with Juan Gabriel Tokatlián (Washington, DC: Foreign Policy Institute, SAIS, The Johns Hopkins University, FPI Case Studies No. 11, 1987). 

Contadora and the Diplomacy of Peace in Central America: The United States, Central America and Contadora, editor, (Boulder: Westview, SAIS Papers in Latin American Studies, 1987).  

Contadora and the Central American Peace Process: Selected Documents, with Roberto Alvarez and Katherine Hagedorn, eds. (Boulder: Westview, 1985). 

Regional Powers in the Caribbean Basin: Mexico, Venezuela and Colombia (Washington, DC: Caribbean and Central American Program, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), The Johns Hopkins University, Occasional Paper No. 2, 1983).

Juried or refereed journal articles and exhibitions:


Journal Articles 

“Colombia y la Guerra contra las drogas,” in Foreign Affairs en Español, Vol8, num., 1  (enero-marzo 2008), pp.   169-188. 

“Regional Security in the Americas: Past, Present and Future,” (with Betty Horwitz).  Submitted for publication  in the Journal of Latin American Studies. Forthcoming, 2008 

“Editorial: Colombia y el TLC,” in Colombia Internacional, No. 61, enero-2005-junio 2005 pp. 7-9.   

Globalization, Ungoverned Spaces And Transnational  Organized Crime In The Western Hemisphere: The Russian Mafia (March 2, 2005)

“Globalisation and Latin American and Caribbean Organised Crime,” in Global Crime,   Volume 6, No. 1, February 2004, pp. 32-53.  

“La globalización de la delincuencia organizada,” in Foreign Affairs en Español, Vol. 3,   

 Num.2 (2003), pp. 110-137. This article was excerpted and reprinted as “La globalización y la delincuencia organizada,” in Revista Fuerzas Armadas del Ecuador, Vol. XLIII, No. 135 (Mayo del 2003), pp. 43-49 

“El trafico de drogas y la politica de los Estados Unidos en Colombia,” Iconos, No 10, Revista de Flacso Sede Ecuador, abril de 2001.  

“Narcotrafico, Violencia Politica y Relaciones Colombo-Estadoudineses en los Anos Noventa,” Colombia Internacional, Vol. 49-50, enero-abril 2001. (Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia). 

Drug Trafficking, Political Violence And U.S. Policy In Colombia In The 1990s (January 5, 2001)

Trafic De Drogue, Violence Politique, Et Politique Des Usa En Colombie Dans Les Années 1990 (février 2001)

“Introduction,” Journal of Latin American Affairs, Vol. 5 No. 1 (1997). 

“Colombia en el banquillo”, Estrategia Económica y Financiera, No. 242 ( December 15, 1995). 

“Colombia: un país intervenido o comprometido?”, Estrategia Económica y Financiera, No. 201, (November 14, 1994). 

“Who will be the Bellwether in Bogotá?” Hemisfile, Vol. 4, No. 5 (September/October 1993). 

“After San Antonio,” Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 34, Nos. 3 & 4, (Fall 1992). 

“Colombia: El Dilema de la Droga”, with Juan Gabriel Tokatlian, Nueva Sociedad, No. 109 (Sep-Oct 1990), (Caracas). 

“Colombia y la Guerra contra la Droga”, Economía Colombiana, Nos. 226‑227 (Feb‑Mar 1990). (Bogotá). 

“Tráfico de Drogas y Relaciones entre los Estados Unidos y América Latina”, Heraldo Muñoz, ed., A la Espera de una Nueva Etapa. Anuario de Políticas Exteriores Latinoamericanas 1988-1989 (Caracas: Editorial Nueva Sociedad, 1989). 

“Deadly Choices, Deadly Decisions”, with Juan Gabriel Tokatlian, Hemisfile, Perspectives on Political and Economic Trends in the Americas, No. 3, (May 1990). 

“Dateline Drug Wars: Colombia ‑ Wrong Strategy,” Foreign Policy, No. 77 (Winter 1989‑1990). 

“Cuatro Posibles Soluciones al Problema del Narcotráfico”, Síntesis, No. 9 (Sept‑Dec 1989). (Madrid). 

“América Latina y la administración Bush,” in Cuadernos de Politica Exterior, No.1 (1989) pp. 11-17 (Quito, Ecuador). 

“Luís López de Mesa: Una Lectura Política”,  with Gabriel Silva Luján, Estudios Sociales, No.4, (March 1989). (Medellín). 

“La Ley Anti‑Narcóticos de 1988 en Estados Unidos y su Impacto para Colombia”, Colombia Internacional, No. 4, (October‑December 1988). (Bogotá). 

“Foreword,” Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 30, Nos. 2 and 3, (Summer/Fall 1988). 

U.S. Foreign Policy and the War on Drugs: Analysis of a Policy Failure,” Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 30, Nos. 2 and 3, (Summer/Fall 1988). 

Colombia and the War on Drugs,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 67, No. 1 (Fall 1988). 

 “The New Hundred Years War: U.S. National Security and the War on Drugs,” Journal of Interamerican Studies and World  Affairs, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Spring 1988). (Excerpted in Spanish as “La Nueva Guerra de los 100 Años”, Chasqui: Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación, No. 29/30 (Enero‑Junio 1989). (Quito). 

 “Winning Battles, Losing the War: Latin America and the U.S. War on Drugs,” Hemisphere, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Fall 1988). 

 “Entre Macondo y El Dorado: Notas sobre la Economía Política de Colombia Contemporánea”, Revista de Estudios Colombianos, No. 3 (1987). 

“Colombian Politics: Crisis or Continuity,” Current History, Vol. 86, No. 516 (January 1987). 

“La Política Exterior de Colombia en los Ochenta”, with Juan Gabriel Tokatlian, Estrategia: Económica y Financiera, No. 102 (August 1986). (Bogotá). 

“La Interdependencia entre Estados Unidos y México a Finales de los Ochenta”, Cuadernos Semestrales Estados Unidos: Perspectiva Latinoamericana, No. 20 (Second Semester, 1986). (Mexico). 

“Contadora: The Failure of Diplomacy,” Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 28, No. 3 (Fall 1986). 

“Colombian Foreign Policy in the 1980s: The Search for Leverage,” with Juan Gabriel Tokatlian, Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 27, No. 3 (Fall 1985). (Reprinted in Colombia Internacional, No. 2, September 1985). 

“Mexican Foreign Policy: The Decline of a Regional Power?,” Current History, Vol. 82, No. 488 (December 1983). 

Mexico in the 1980s: A New Regional Power,” Current History, Vol. 80, No. 469 (November 1981). 

“United States‑Mexican Relations in the 1980s: A U.S. Perspective,” Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, Vol. 34, No. 1 (1981). 

“Film and Society: A Survey of Latin American Political Cinema,” with Annette Traversie Bagley, AFI Education Newsletter, Vol. 3, No. 2 (November‑December 1979). Reprinted in Patricia Erens with Marian Henley, eds., College Course Files (New York: University Film and Video Association Monograph No. 5 (1986). 

“Organizaciones Campesinas Contemporáneas en Colombia: El caso de la Asociación Nacional de Usuarios Campesinos (ANUC)”, with Fernando Botero Zea, Estudios Rurales Latinoamericanos, Vol. I, No. 1 (Bogotá) (January‑February 1978). 

Other works, publications, and abstracts:

                                                      Book Chapters and Occasional Papers


“Dope and Dogma Explaining the Failure of U.S-Latin American Drug Policies (with Juan  Gabriel Tokatlian), in Michael LaRosa and Frank O. Mora, eds., Neighborly Adversaries:   Readings in U.S.-Latin American Relations. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,   Inc., 2006, Second Edition, pp. 219-234. 

 “The Regional Integration Process and Security Maintenance: An Historical Perspective,” in  Gordon Mace and Catherine Durepos, eds., The New Security Equation in the Americas. Quebec: Laval University, 2007, pp. 52-76.      

“Drug Control Policies in the United States: What Works and What Doesn’t?” in Inter-American Development  Bank (IADB), ed., Proceedings of the Workshop-Dialogue ‘Europe-Latin America’ on Illicit Drugs. Paris: Inter-American Development Bank, Europe Office, 2007, pp. 76-85.      

“Dope and Dogma Explaining the Failure of U.S-Latin American Drug Policies (with Juan Gabriel Tokatlian), in Michael LaRosa and Frank O. Mora, eds, Neighborly Adversaries:  Readings in U.S.-Latin American Relations. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2006, Second Edition, pp. 219-234. 

“Notas sobre la politica exterior ecuatoriana,” in Javier Ponce Leiva, ed., Ecuador en el mundo: 1830-2006. 

“Prologo: La relación bilateral EEUU-México,” en Consuelo Dávila y Rafael Velásquez,         coordinadores.,  Perspectivas de la politica exterior de México para 2006-2012. México DF: Editorial UNAM, 2006, pp. i-vi. 

“Globalisation and Latin American and Caribbean Organized Crime,” in Mark Galeotti, ed.,  Global Crime. London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2005, pp. 32-54. 

“La situación política de Estados Unidos y su relación con Latinoamérica y con Colombia,” en Eduardo Robayo Salom, moderador, Actualidad: Discusiones y Propuestas. Bogota: Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Administración, Comité de Publicaciones, febrero 2004, pp. 8-11.  

Globalization and Transnational Organized Crime: The Russian Mafia in Latin America and the Caribbean,” in Menno Velinga, ed., The Political Economy of the Drug Industry: Latin America and the International System. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2004, pp. 261-296.

“Tráfico de drogas, violencia política y política estadoudinese en Colombia durante los años noventa,” en Agustín Maciel, Coordinador, La Seguridad nacional en las relaciones México-Estados Unidos. San Luis Potosí: El Colegio de San Luis Potosí, 2003, pp. 197-243. 

“The Narco Connection,” in Cynthia Arnson, ed., The Crisis of Democratic Governance in the Andes. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center, Woodrow Wilson Center Reports on the Americas, #2, 2001. 

“Hablando Duro: La política antinarcóticos de los Estados Unidos en los años noventa”, in Juan G. Tokatlian, ed., Colombia y Estados Unidos: Problemas y Perspectivas. (Bogotá: Tercer Mundo 1998). 

“Introduction,” in Bruce Bagley, ed., Drug Trafficking Research in the Americas. (Miami: North-South Center, University of Miami, 1997). 

“The Drug War in Colombia,” in William O. Walker, ed., Drugs in the Western Hemisphere: An odyssey of cultures in conflict. (Wilmington, Delaware: Scholarly Resources, Inc., Jaguar Books on Latin America, No. 12, 1996). 

“Organizaciones campesinas contemporaneas en Colombia: Un Estudio de la Asociacion Nacional de Usuarios Campesinos (ANUC), with Fernando Botero Zea, in Absalon Machado, compilador, El agro y la cuestion social. Bogota: Tercer Mundo editores en coedicion con el banco ganadero, caja agraria y vecol, 1994, pp. 185-228. 

“Introduction,” in Bruce M. Bagley and William O. Walker, eds. Drug Trafficking in the Americas, (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, Inc., 1994).  

“After San Antonio,” in Bruce M. Bagley and William O. Walker, eds., Drug Trafficking in the Americas. (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, Inc., 1994).  

“Introducción”, in Adrián Bonilla, Las sorprendentes virtudes de lo perverso: Ecuador y Narcotráfico en los 90, (Quito: FLACSO-Ecuador and North-South Center, University of Miami, 1993). 

“Drugs,” in The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World, Joel Krieger, ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, Inc., 1993. 

“La crisis política, la visión desde Washington y la reinserción financiera internacional”, in La democracia en cuestión, (Lima: Centro Norte Sur/Universidad de Miami, Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales-CEPES and Instituto de Estudios Peruanos-IEP, 1992). 

“Cesar Gaviria Trujillo”, in David Eggenberger, ed., Encyclopedia of World Biography (New York: XXXXX, 1992). 

“The Military and the War on Drugs in The United States and Latin America,” in Peter H. Smith et al, Drug Trafficking in the Americas, (Boulder: Westview Press, 1992).  Reprinted in Spanish as “Los mitos de la militarización: las fuerzas armadas en la guerra contra las drogas”, in Peter H. Smith, ed., El combate a las drogas en América (México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1993). 

“Dope and Dogma: The Politics of U.S.‑Latin American Drug Diplomacy,” with Juan Gabriel Tokatlian, in Jonathan Hartlyn, et al, eds., U.S.‑Latin American Relations in the 1990s, (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1992). 

Cartagena II: Whither the War on Drugs in the Americas,” North-South Issues/ Drugs, February 1992. 

“La diplomacia de Estados Unidos y América Latina en la década de los ochenta”, Pensamiento Iberoamericano, 19 (Enero-Junio 1991). 

“Droga y dogma: La narcodiplomacia entre Estados Unidos y América Latina en la década de los ochenta y su proyección para los noventa”, in Bruce Bagley et al, Las drogas bajo tres nuevos enfoques analíticos.  Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes, Documentos Ocasionales CEI, No. 23 (Sept-Oct 1991). 

“Comentarios”, in Jesus Antonio Bejarano, ed., Construir la Paz: Memorias del Seminario Paz, Democracia y Desarrollo. (Bogotá: CEREC, 1990). 

“Narcotráfico: Colombia Asediada”, in Francisco Leal Buitrago and Leon Zamosc, ed., Al Filo del Caos:  Crisis Política en la Colombia de los Años 80 (Bogotá: Tercer Mundo Editores, 1990). 

“Narco‑Diplomacy:  U.S. Latin American Relations and the War on Drugs,” in James Malloy and E. Gamarra, eds., Latin American and Caribbean Contemporary Record, Vol. VII, 1987‑88 (New York: Holmes and Meier, 1989).  This article was reprinted in Spanish as “Tráfico de Drogas y Relaciones entre los Estados Unidos y América Latina”, in H. Muñoz, ed., Anuario de Políticas Exteriores Latinoamericanas. A La Espera de una Nueva Etapa (Caracas: Editorial Nueva Sociedad, 1989). 

“The New Hundred Years War? U.S. National Security and the War on Drugs in Latin America,” in Donald Mabry, ed., The Latin American Narcotics Trade and U.S. National Security, (New York: Greenwood Press, 1989). 

“Colombian Society,” in Sandra Meditz, et. al, eds., Colombia: A Country Study. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1989). 

“U.S.-Mexican Interdependence in the 1980s,” in Riordan Roett, ed., U.S.-Mexican Interdependence (Boulder: Westview, 1988). Reprinted in Spanish as “Interdependencia y Política Estadunidense hacia México en los Años Ochenta,” in Mexico y Estados Unidos: El Manejo de la Relación, Riordan Roett (comp.), (México: Siglo XXI Editores, 1989). 

“Reflections on the U.S.‑Latin American Drug Trade: Losing the War on Drugs,” Miami Report II (Coral Gables, FL: NORTH/SOUTH CENTER, GSIS, University of Miami, 1988). 

“Latin American Insurgencies,” with David Scott Palmer, in Abraham Lowenthal, ed., Latin America and Caribbean Contemporary Record, Vol. VI, 1986‑1987 (New York: Holmes and Meier, 1988). 

“La Política Exterior Colombiana en los 1980s,” with Juan Gabriel Tokatlian, in Monica Hirst, ed., Continuidad y Cambio en las Relaciones América Latina/Estados Unidos (Buenos Aires: Grupo Editor Latinoamericano, 1987). 

 “Contadora,” in Abraham Lowenthal, ed., Latin America and Caribbean Contemporary Record, Vol. V, 1985-1986 (New York: Holmes and Meier, 1987). 

“The Colombian Connection: The Impact of Drug Traffic on Colombia,” in Deborah Pacini and Christine Franquemont, eds., Coca and Cocaine: Effects on People and Policy in Latin America (Peterborough, New Hampshire: Cultural Survival and Cornell University, 1986). 

Mexico in Crisis: The Parameters of Accommodation,” (Washington, DC: Foreign Policy Briefs, Foreign Policy Institute, School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, 1986). 

“Reagan y el Sistema Interamericano,” in Escuela de Ciencias Internacionales, ed., Conferencias sobre el Sistema Interamericano (Quito: Universidad Central de Ecuador, 1985). 

“AID Effectiveness in Colombia,” in Robert Cassen and Associates, Does AID Work? Report to the Inter-governmental Task Force, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986). 

“Colombian Foreign Policy in the 1980s,” with Juan Gabriel Tokatlian (Washington, D.C.: Occasional Paper No. 7, CACP, SAIS, The Johns Hopkins University, 1985). 

Colombia: National Front and Economic Development,” in Robert Wesson, ed., Politics, Policies and Economic Development in Latin America (Stanford, California: Hoover Institution, 1984). 

Mexico in Central America: The Limits of Regional Power,” in Wolf Grabendorff, ed., Political Change in Central America (Boulder: Westview, 1984). 

“The Politics of Asymmetrical Interdependence: U.S.‑Mexican Relations in the 1980s,” in Michael Erisman, ed., The Caribbean Challenge: U.S. Policy in a Volatile Region (Boulder: Westview, 1984).

“The National Front and Beyond: Political Power, Public Policy, and the State in an Inclusionary Authoritarian Regime,” (Washington, DC: CACP, SAIS, Occasional Paper No. 4, 1984). 

Mexico: The Promise of Oil,” in Margaret Daly Hayes, Latin America and the U.S. National Interest: A Basis for U.S. Policy (Boulder: Westview Press, 1984). 

“Colombia en el Caribe: El Nuevo Aliado Norteamericano?” in Juan  Gabriel Tokatlian and Klaus Schubert, eds., Relaciones Internacionales en la Cuenca del Caribe y la Política de Colombia (Bogotá: FESCOL and the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá, 1982). 

“Popular Mobilization Programs of the National Front: Cooptation and Radicalization,” with Matthew Edel, in Albert Berry, Ronald Hellman, and Mauricio Solaun, eds., Politics of Compromise: Coalition Government in Colombia (New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 1980). 

“El Sector Privado y la Vivienda Popular,” with Fernando Botero Zea, in Gabriel Murillo and Elizabeth Ungar, eds., Politica, Vivienda Popular y el Proceso de Toma de Decisiones en Colombia (Bogotá: Department of Political Science, Universidad de los Andes, 1978). 

“Urban Reform in Colombia: The Impact of the ‘Politics of Games’ on Public Policy,” with Mauricio Solaun and Fernando Cepeda Ulloa, in F. Rabinowitz and F. Trueblood, eds., Latin American Urban Research, Vol. III (Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Inc., 1973). 

Book Reviews and Periodical Articles 

“La paz no vendrá de afuera,” El Tiempo, (Bogota) 8 de febrero de 2002. 

Clinton’s Search for a Drug Policy for Latin America,” North-South, the Magazine of the Americas, Vol. 4, No. 3 (November 1994). 

“Jonathan Hartlyn: The Politics of Coalition Rule in Colombia,” Development and Change (1992). (The Hague). 

“Interview: President César Gaviria Trujillo,” NORTH-SOUTH: The Magazine of the Americas, Vol. I, No. 1 (June 1991). 

“Review Essay: Understanding Colombian Democracy,” Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 32, No. 1, (Spring 1990). 

“Kings of Cocaine is Riveting and True,” with Annette Traversie Bagley,  The Miami Herald, April 23, 1989. 

“The Politics of Colombia,” Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Spring 1988). 

“La Conexión Colombiana”, La Jornada Semanal, 12 March 1988. (Mexico). 

“Colombia: Vieja Política Exterior”, with Juan Gabriel Tokatlian, La Jornada Semanal, 5 October 1986. (Mexico). 

“The United States and Latin America in the 1980s: Contending Perspectives on a Decade of Crisis,” Revista InterAmericana de Bibliografía, Vol. XXXVI, No. 4 (1986). 

“Barco en Estados Unidos: Una Política Exterior que Puede Ser Sorpresa”, with Juan Gabriel Tokatlian, El Tiempo, 30 September 1986. (Bogotá). 

“Lo Bueno y lo Malo de Contadora para Colombia”, El Tiempo, 18 May 1986. (Bogotá). 

Colombia: So Close to Unity, Now So Far,” The Los Angeles Times, 27 November 1985. 

“Le Mexique Face a la Crise en Amerique Centrale”, Le Monde Diplomatique, No. 377, 29 Annee (April 1982). (Paris). 

“México en los Ochenta: una Nueva Potencia Regional”, Uno más Uno, No. 19, 3 January 1982 and No. 20, 10 January 1982. (Mexico).
